my channel in today's video you and I
are gonna be talking about seven awesome
websites that will pay you over a
hundred dollars to write and a lot of
these will work even if you are a
beginner freelance writer these are
opportunities and all kinds of different
niches so if you are just starting out
and want to build up your portfolio and
get some buy line pieces or even if
you're a more intermediate to advanced
Rider just looking for some awesome
writing gigs these are gonna be a great
fit for you so definitely keep on
watching and by the way I do have a
totally free pitching guide with three
screenshot examples of pitches that one
me awesome writing gigs when I was just
starting out so I will throw that link
above right now and below in the
description box definitely download that
free guide and check it out so you can
pitch these sites we are gonna talk
about today I'm gonna share my screen
with you now and we will go ahead and
get started okay so like I said we're
gonna talk about seven of these awesome
websites that will pay you over a
hundred dollars to write even if you're
a beginner if you want to see the full
17 websites follow along with this blog
post I will throw the link above my head
right now
the first we're gonna talk about is a
site called Elizabeth and as you can see
here they're looking for queries from
professional and emerging feminist
writers and they pay $100 up to $2,000
for 500 to 2500 words so if you want to
write about feminism if you are a
feminist you have a really good topic
idea definitely I would recommend
pitching them although I will say as a
quick disclaimer I've not written for
most of the sites in this blog post but
these look like really good
opportunities that I would pitch if I
were looking for an opportunity in this
niche so another note you can see here
is that they are looking for queries
from creators who have actually read
their magazine or subscribe to their
newsletter three things you can do that
really really make a big difference in
your guest post pitches so I definitely
recommend doing that before you pitch
this website the second site we're going
to talk about today is income diary com
so as you can see here they've been
around for quite a while and they are
looking for you if you're an expert at
anything to do with website creation
driving traffic social media or making
money online so basically if you know
your when it comes to marketing you
we pitch this website and as you can see
here they are looking for examples of
previous writings so this is probably
one of those gigs for more intermediate
to advanced riders but they do pay two
hundred to five hundred dollars per blog
posts so if that sounds like a good
range for you and you are an expert on
any of these marketing types of topics I
definitely recommend pitching this side
the third writing opportunity I'm going
to share with you guys today is the
fresh books blog I have actually written
for their blog before and I had a really
great experience with it when I did it
it paid a couple hundred dollars and as
you can see here they just have these
really simple contributing guidelines
with the ideal story legs and a couple
of other things where you just submit
your pitch right here and basically just
fill out this form but I do also
recommend sending a pitch to the editor
do this form yes but then follow up to
your pitch with the editor that is how I
landed a gig with them and remember I do
have those screenshots of the guest post
pitches that I use available for you
guys down in the description box and I
will throw it up above my head right now
literally these are just awesome
examples of guest post pitches that work
so definitely download that before you
leave this video the next site we're
gonna talk about today is called WP hub
calm and as you can see here they're all
about WordPress themes WordPress hosting
WordPress 101 things like that so if you
know a little bit about WordPress or
especially if you know a lot about
WordPress this is definitely gonna be a
good site for you to consider pitching
now right here just like with any site
you pitch you want to make sure you read
every single word of their guidelines
because I can tell you as someone who
has both submitted pitches and as
someone who receives a lot of pitches if
you miss any part of this guideline and
it up basically your pitch is gonna
land in the trash folder so as you can
see here they're not looking for human
reviews or plugin reviews how-to guides
for basic technical stuff or the future
direction of wordpress and upcoming
features and then what they are looking
for is stuff about these topics right
here so that is the kinds of topics you
would want to pitch them as you can see
they pay 100 to 200 dollars per article
typically and they have really easy
instructions if you want to write for
them just use the subject line include
all this stuff etc you can figure it out
it's pretty straightforward the next
site I'm going to talk about
is for those of you who are really into
food and nutrition and things like that
it's called nutria inspector comm and it
is a nutrition diet and weight loss blog
so you can see what they regularly
publish is informative articles how-to
guides product reviews and recipes so
that means that's probably the kind of
content they're gonna want you to write
and you can see they just straight-up
give you the topics they're currently
looking for let me tell you I do the
same on my own blog and if you pitch the
topics they're actually looking for
that's gonna make them so happy you're
gonna stand out sadly most writers don't
even take the time to read the
guidelines so if you take the time to
read those and follow them you're
already gonna stand out they also have
their writing guidelines article
requirements everything outlined for you
right here and then they're payout rates
you can see start at $60 but if you
write an informational article or an
ultimate how-to guide you can get paid
120 dollars to a hundred and eighty
dollars so all you got to do is send
them information about you again
shameless self promo
grab those pitches I'll throw my head
right now again four examples of exactly
what to say to get an awesome blogging
opportunity and yeah that's pretty much
it again really straightforward just
follow the directions and send your
pitch the next site we're going to talk
about is called Linode calm as you can
see right here they are looking for
technical writers about things like
Linux and cloud infrastructure so if you
have any sort of knowledge in those
kinds of topics this is definitely gonna
be a good publication to consider
pitching and you can see here they're
looking for someone with technical
writing know-how and basically a
freelance technical writer you would
just fill out this form right here with
your name and email address and a
writing sample so this is really
important and I go over this in my guest
post pitching guide on my blog but when
they ask for a writing sample make sure
it's relevant don't go to this Linux
website and share a writing sample about
fashion they're gonna give a about
that right you want to share something
about Linux cloud infrastructure even if
it's self-published even if you just
published it on medium LinkedIn
publisher whatever they're gonna want to
see relevant samples very very important
that you do this actually have a video
and a blog post about how to create
portfolio pieces when you have no
experience so if that's something need
help with click above my head right now
and I'll also put it down below in the
description box alright the final
writing egg we're gonna talk about today
is for Popular Woodworking dot-com so
just like most of the other sites that
I've covered in this blog post slash
video they have really really
straightforward guidelines where you
need to email what they're looking for
and how much they pay so some of these
will pay 50 to $100 whereas if you do a
one-page article about 600 words that
follows these guidelines payment will
start at 250 dollars so a lot of
opportunity here if you have that
specialized knowledge about woodworking
so they've actually even included a
sample query for you right here exactly
what you need to do include an outline
for is in a summary everything that they
want so if you follow these step by step
by step you'll feel pretty confident
knowing that you will be able to land
this writing gig especially like I said
if you have that prior woodworking
experience or even just a little bit of
knowledge or interest because like they
say here the writer does not need to be
a professional woodworker and this is a
good entry point for first-time
freelancers and it pays two hundred and
fifty dollars which is really really
good for a first-time freelance writer
so definitely check that out if you are
interested in writing about woodworking
so that is all for this video my friends
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you get
out there and start pitching and get
yourself a freelancer writing gig
remember if you need help I do have this
free resource for you where you can see
three actual screenshots of pitches I
wrote that got me accepted and featured
on major websites so you just click here
to see the pitches and sign up and you
will get that free resource delivered
straight to your inbox if you have any
questions about how to get freelance
writing jobs or how to pitch or how to
get guest posting opportunities anything
like that definitely drop them below and
I will do my best to help you out so
before you leave this video one more
shameless self promo and then I promise
I'm done at least for today I have this
free freelance writing class that over
6000 writers have gone through and is
all about the three steps to your first
$1000 freelance writing in 45 days or
less and that is if you have
no college degree and no experience so
tons of value in this free training
you'll learn all about these three
things right here
why do portfolio is not enough and what
you need instead how you get hired over
more experienced writers and the number
one method to get your first high-paying
clients no upwork no fiber and no
required and it's all based on
my experience growing my feelings
writing business to five thousand
dollars a month in about four months
after I got fired from my shitty
full-time job so I will show that link
above my head right now and below in the
description box
definitely definitely click over and get
instant access to this training because
it is super actionable and will really
help you get your marketing plan in
place so you can become a full-time
freelance writer this year that is all
for today's video my friend I hope you
enjoyed it