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App That Pays You $480 For FREE While You Sleep (Make Money Online)

App That Pays You $480 For FREE While You Sleep (Make Money Online)

Hi friends my name syed usama shah

you again
how would you like to make money doing
nothing yeah it looks just like this
all you have to do is install a couple
right on your phone you can make money
while you're sleeping you can wake up in
the morning
check your phone and have new money
of your account every day
well on this video i'm going to show you
how to do that but the very first thing
that you must do first
before you do anything else is to go
to this website so go to www
dot welcome back guys my name is big
i create videos that show people how to
make money online
and if you subscribe right now i will
send you
a notification and an update whenever i
create a new video
so you don't miss anything and if you
stay towards the end
of this video i'm going to share with
you a bonus
that will allow you to make even more
money right on
line warning please take great caution
before installing any of these apps
right on your phone
App That Pays You $480 For FREE While You Sleep (Make Money Online)

and the results are not typical there
may be some days
where you earn a little money and some
days well you earn a lot
so please be careful before you proceed
be sure to watch this video
all the way through so you can learn how
to make up to 480 dollars
doing absolutely nothing you'll learn
how to have a consistent
daily income coming in and i'll also
show you how to buy a new phone in just
two months
all by using this one app this app
right here wants to pay you for doing
absolutely nothing
just like it states get money from your
android phone
we pay you for every minute of time
when you do nothing as a matter of fact
the more you do
the less money you make
and this is a pretty cool app that i
just discovered
you do not need to perform any tasks you
don't have to watch
any advertisements you don't have to
play any games
earnings will come in absolutely passive
and i think that's what a lot of you
guys are looking for something that
generates an income without you having
to do anything
and that's passive income prepare to
several times more in only two months
you can buy another device or phone
that works around the clock just like it
states here
this is how thousands of their satisfied
do it so this app allows you to use two
devices so you can install it on a
phone or tablet and have it running
and having it generating a passive
income for you
24 hours a day and that's really the
it's absolutely safe they guarantee that
all your data they're not going to look
at your contacts
and your personal information they have
access to any of that so this is
completely safe
you have options to be paid out through
paypal amazon
you earn money while using your phone
doing absolutely nothing it's passive
income for you guys okay so some of the
are what operating system does this work
now for this one right here this only
works with
android devices and if you guys are
wondering how do you
redeem your points well you can redeem
your points anytime
for paypal cash amazon itunes google
playstation steam gift cards and many
different options and so whatever you
have if you just want the cash
use paypal if you want to use the money
and the funds to purchase something
online such as amazon then you would
cash out using the
amazon gift card now to give you guys a
little glimpse
of inside the app on what it looks like
here's the dashboard right here
so here's the home page here's your
and you can start or stop the app
from running if you stop the app then
your points
will stop so you will start accumulating
those until you restart it again
you have different levels that you can
get at
the passive time left is labeled right
also your activity what you're doing if
you're surfing the web if you're playing
games if you're talking on the phone
all that will be outlined right here and
also the number of points that you earn
every single day every single hour
all that is listed right underneath here
your balance
and how much income that you have
redeemed that's listed right here
income and you can see how much you've
over a course or a period of time
yesterday how much you've earned
the past week and the past month all
that is outlined right here
and also how you are redeeming your
points if you've chosen to go with
amazon or paypal or if you wanted to
convert your points
into bitcoin which is something that you
can do
all of those options and your
transaction history
will be listed right here so the website
you guys want to go over to
is cashmagnetapp.com
and so i've been looking over this today
and it seems like a pretty good app with
some good reviews
i've actually looked over on reddit and
quite a few people said that they have
received their payout which is good
however i just wanted to note one thing
it looks like google
has removed the app from the google play
so the only way to download the app and
get it installed
is to click on this download link right
here on the homepage of their website
if you're on your phone you can browse
to cashmagnetapp.com
and you can click or tap on this link
right here or you can simply just
download the file on your desktop or you
can go over to apkpure
and you can read a review of this app
and see what other people have to say
about it
you can also look at some different
screenshots of the app
right over on this website another app
for you guys
if you want to earn some passive income
i have a couple more apps that i want to
share with you
so stay with me on this video if you
want to earn passive money
just by using your phone doing
absolutely nothing
this is going to be the one for you so
you can earn money receiving
text messages with this one app right
you can download the apk file so that
means yes this is only available for
android you can get paid real money with
this app just by helping them improve
communication this is called mcmoney and
it's over at
mcmoneyapp.com so i'd highly suggest to
go over there and check it out
look online do your own research and
proceed with caution and just be careful
guys again before you install
any of these apps do your research first
the other one that i want to mention to
you guys is right here
this is a sms text messaging app
this is a app that pays you for letting
send you sms text messages it's kind of
it's called money sms app.com
now this is a free android app that you
guys can use it allows you to make money
automatically passively just by
receiving sms messages
that are generated by their system and
by their customers
so there's lots of good information on
the website unfortunately it
really only works with android i haven't
really seen anything like this
available for an iphone you can earn
money online every single day there's a
referral program if you have friends
that would also like to do this
you will earn points and referrals for
all the activity that they do as well
everything is automatic you can earn
passive income with this app
it's 100 secure they don't get into your
information the way it works is the
first step
is to download the app simply download
the sms
app on your android or mobile device
after that you will register
after that you will launch the app and
that will start
the program and the process and then you
will start to
get your text messages you will connect
to the internet
this way they can send you tests uh at
your phone because really all they're
doing is they're
making sure they're using your service
to test
and send their messages to so it's very
important that you make sure that you
are connected to the internet or that
you do have cell service
when you install this and then all you
need to do
is just keep the app running on your
phone you can put it on mute if you want
if you don't want to hear the sms text
messages come in on a regular basis
or your phone is constantly uh sending
you notifications you can just mute your
phone or put it away
or use a phone that you don't really use
that often
and it'll just work on its own so for
this app right here just go over to
money sms app.com
all you have to do is just go to the
home page up here at the very
top click on download apk that'll
download that file
to your phone you can install it from
there you can go to this website
from your device if you want to or you
can do this on the desktop and then
transfer that file
to your device or whichever way that you
i think it's a great way to earn some
passive income there's only one thing
uh you know you're not going to get
entirely rich
just by doing this there are several
apps out there that are going to pay you
and help you generate passive income
but the one big thing here guys is that
you know uh it's using your phone's
resources okay it's it's constantly
uh using the processor on your phone it
could wear down the battery
it could uh you know be doing things in
the background and slow down your
activity on your phone
i would say hey if you're gonna do this
be careful which phone you install this
app on maybe an older phone or something
or whatever
and i mean once you uninstall the app
or if the app's not working properly you
know the money is going to stop right
and i promised you guys that i would
share with you something
if you want to earn a little bit more
maybe some real money something that's
going to help you pay the bills
uh something to help you maybe even pay
the rent you know some more of a
substantial amount of money
uh to really help you get ahead and get
you along further
not making a couple dollars a day or
three dollars a week or here and there
or a couple cents
i'm talking about some real money well
this really reminds me back in the day
when i was struggling
uh so here's a picture of me i'm
actually in my garage or
this is an older house my office was my
a little plastic fold up desk here that
i used with a little laptop and i
struggled for a very very long time
trying to figure out you know what's the
secret of of making money online
and i saw a lot of other people making
lots of money online and i'm like how
are they doing this you know what's this
all about well
it wasn't until i plugged in with the
right people that showed me exactly
how to do this and this has really
changed our lives
so this is taking us from this uh old
house here i had you know my office is
we were in southern oregon it was cold i
had this big jacket on and a lot of cold
and going from this and we had lots of
traffic and uh harsh weather conditions
and i asked my wife i said hey this
passive income business
is working so well right and i'm going
to share with you guys exactly what this
this has been working so well for me and
so well for us
if we could move anywhere where would
you want to go and she's like well i
want to be warm so let's go to florida
so that's what we did
so we got out of this and we packed our
bags and here's the last day we were in
don't get me wrong oregon's beautiful
lots of great nature
and hills and stuff over there but
here's a picture of us on the last day
so i went from this big jacket
wearing pants probably wearing some
at the time and traveling clear across
the country
and seeing a lot of beautiful things and
ending up here going from the big jacket
to now pretty much on a consistent basis
wearing shorts and t-shirts and
this is kind of like my lifestyle but
the whole point here guys is what i
really i'm trying to
to let you know about is that this was
all because i plugged into an
system that showed me step by step
exactly how to construct
and model and create some type of
passive income online
this way a passive income is something
where you're making money while you
while you're out on vacation you're out
with your family you're out at a
out and about it really doesn't matter
where you are as a matter of fact i woke
up this morning checked my phone and i
had new money
inside of my account and exactly how
do you do that well i'm going to share
that with you guys
right now down below in the description
of this video there's a link there if
you click on that link that'll take you
over to
another video now this video will be a
video of me
just to let you know what you will
expect uh just
a little bit about the video we'll be
explaining a little bit more about what
this whole thing
is uh no obligation right now guys you
guys can just go over there and check
this out if you're really curious about
i'm doing i'm sharing this with
everybody that comes to my youtube
if i were to give you guys my highest
this is what it is check out that link
below in the description right now
take action this could possibly change
things around for you
if you guys enjoyed this video hey give
me a thumbs up i would appreciate that
if you guys want more videos about
making money online

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