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How To Make Money with YouTube Shorts WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself (SIMPLE 3-STEP PROCESS) how to make money on youtube without making videos


How To Make Money with YouTube Shorts WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself (SIMPLE 3-STEP PROCESS)

How To Make Money with YouTube Shorts WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself (SIMPLE 3-STEP PROCESS) how to make money on youtube without making videos

If you didn't know already youtube's created this new thing called youtube shorts because they want to compete with tick-tock and this is easily one of the greatest opportunities youtube has ever given us and there's literally channels making these simple 60-second or even shorter videos getting insane amount of views and in this video not only am i going to show you how to get these video
ideas for youtube shorts and how to create them in the most simple video
editor out there but i'm also going to show you how to make even more money with these simple videos and at the end of this video i'm going to show you a bonus method that will help you take
this even a step further and make even more money online so let's get started all right what's going on guys thomas garrett's here back with another video
and like i said in this one we're going to be using youtube shorts and this is
absolutely crazy how much youtube is
pushing these youtube shorts and you can
grow a channel so fast with these okay
and before we actually create the shorts
we gotta find a type of video to make
right we gotta get ideas and there's
plenty of ways to do this but if you
just type in hashtag shorts and then
plus you can see look all these
different ideas come up and i personally
went over here i typed in
shorts plus fitness and i found this
channel right here e-pain assist and
they help with like all these different
things like back pain all these
different things however that's not what
i want to focus on they're making these
cool shorts where they do like exercises
i'm gonna do those because i think those
are so simple to make and so many people
are at home and just not really moving
around as much so these can be super
profitable and a good way of finding
like popular ones to make is sorting it
by most popular so as you can see here
they got like yoga poses to firm
we're not to make that one but you could
see like 10 best ab exercises to build a
six pack at home that's great 1.8
million views okay and this is four
minutes long so it's not actually
youtube shorts but you can just click on
it here and then instead of doing the 10
best ab exercises to build a six pack at
home without gym equipment we could do
the three best right so the way you can
find the three best is you could
literally go in here and take three of
their ten okay there's nothing wrong
with that at all because we're not
taking their video and stealing their
content or anything like that we're
making our own custom content or what i
did is i just typed in five best
exercises for abs and you can literally
five or three or however many you want
to do and that's how you do that okay so
now that we got that situated we have to
actually create the video so
the easiest video editor that i was
mentioning is canva and this is actually
what i use for all of my graphic design
stuff like thumbnails and literally
anything with a picture on it or video
now this is new because if you go right
here to video by the way there is a free
plan of canva i should mention but i'll
put a link down below if you want to get
it it's completely free they do have
paid plans but it's totally up to you if
you want to get the paid plan i'll
explain more on that in a minute but
after you go to video right here you go
right here to mobile video because these
are shorts so they're like tick-tock
they're vertical videos so you create
blank all right now that we're in the
actual like part where we create the
they have templates and stuff and you
can use them if you want but i just like
doing it from scratch personally so what
i would do is i would have like an intro
of the shorts and you can go watch see
how like they do their videos if you
want but i'll just show you what the
best way of doing it is
and basically what i would do is i would
type in under videos right here go to
videos and i would type in like add
workouts ab not ads i'm like why is that
not showing up ab workouts and then i
would take something like this right and
instead of just clicking it like i did
what you can do it's pretty cool you can
just drag it right here and it will make
it full size and then you can double
click it and move it like that so it's
more centered
How To Make Money with YouTube Shorts WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself (SIMPLE 3-STEP PROCESS) how to make money on youtube without making videos

and that looks great right one other
thing i want to show you is you see this
little crown on it that says pro so
that's where if you have a free account
this photo or this video would cost you
a dollar okay but if you get the pro
free trial by clicking the link in the
description you don't have to pay any
money for it like i have the pro account
so these are all free that doesn't mean
you have to get the pro account like you
can cancel it at any time and not pay it
or you can go to websites like
pexels.com and then you could just go to
videos here and go to ab workouts here
and download it from here and then
import it into canva like this so
basically i'll just show you for example
you would download right here you click
this little download button and it comes
right in this corner right here so it's
downloaded and you would put it over
drop it and you see it's downloading or
uploading right there and then you would
just drag it and do the same thing like
that okay so i just undid that but
that's what you would do if you really
don't want to get the free trial but i
would suggest getting it because it's
free so that's what i said i would
mention more about canva i just like
having the pro account because you can
go right here into videos and use all
this stuff for free you know what i mean
so that's that right now we have to add
some text on this so what i would do is
i would just add some basic text or you
can use like these combinations here
which are actually kind of cool so let's
do something like this that looks cool
we'll do the three best ab
workouts and then you wanna stretch it a
little bit like that okay and then you
can change the color right here so you
see how there's like different colors
you gotta like highlight this all right
so that and you can make it like uh
yellow maybe and then make this one
let's do
uh white now what you want to do is you
want to go to effects because they have
some shadow on it you can see it kinda i
would make the shadow black personally
and then i always do this okay all the
way to the left all the way to the left
all the way to the right and all the way
to the right okay so that's what i do
and you can see it just it looks a lot
better in my opinion and you could put
it up here too if you want but that's
just an example you can also just
literally add in basic text like that
and change everything however you want
all right now if we click on it again
you see this is 20 seconds long so you
can just drag it
or you can just type it in let's say
three seconds okay
now this is three seconds three best ab
workouts okay and the last thing i will
show you if you want you can click on
this text and animate it alright so you
can have the text like do something cool
like that you can have it type
right so
that's pretty much uh the options so
let's hit play up here and just see
there you go that looks pretty good all
right so we'll we'll stick with that now
what you can do is you can literally
just right click it and hit duplicate
that way you have the same text if you
want to keep it or if you want to do
different text that's totally fine okay
but now so let's do uh workout number
one and then let's make this a little
smaller let's do uh like this
there we go we just wanted on one thing
okay workout number one and then we'll
go right here or we could do exercise
number one that would probably make more
sense and then we'll go right here and
then we'll do bicycle crunch and then
we'll make that much smaller so it's
probably gonna be like 70 to fit oh no
it's way too small let's do like 95
maybe 105. there we go because we want
it on one line remember and then we'll
highlight that and make it white and
then you literally just go to right here
videos again and type in bicycle crunch
okay so that's like where they're like
doing that right so we'll just take that
and put the person like that
this might be too uh too big let's see
if we can find a better one where
they're like more straightforward so
we'll use this one okay but it's
sideways so what you got to do is you
just click it don't drag it and then you
want to rotate it like that to 90
degrees then you just put it up top
and then drag it like that all right so
that's pretty cool
and there you go so you hit play
boom boom nice so then we'll take this
and we'll just drag it to like three
seconds something like that maybe make
it just a tad longer like four seconds
because it's got to be under a minute so
four seconds is fine you could even have
it be a little longer depending how many
you're gonna do but then again you would
just right-click duplicate you would do
exercise number two and then you would
go right here you would take captain's
chair paste it in there i'm not gonna
keep doing it but i think you understand
and then the last step if you're
uploading this on mobile you can
actually add in music on like the shorts
platform as well but we'll just go right
here to audio and then you just add in
some music so you just drag this on here
and then you adjust it however you want
okay i'm just gonna delete that but
that's what you would do so then you
would just hit download right here mp4
video okay leave it there and just hit
download and now you see three best
right there i didn't rename it but
that's that's just what it's set as but
you could name it if you wanted to it's
not a big deal but we got it downloaded
so now before i actually show you how to
monetize this let's go over to youtube
and let's just upload it really quick
okay so we'll hit right here create and
hit upload video and then we'll drag it
onto here now when it comes to titles
this is something that it's not as
important for youtube shorts as it is
for like actual full-length youtube
however if you are interested in
learning how i make titles i use two
tools i either use morningfame which is
the main one i use or tubebuddy mostly
morningfame though so i'll leave links
to both of those down below you can get
a free trial for morningfame and you can
get a free account for tubebuddy but
just for example purposes we'll do
something like three best exercises
to and then what did they say let's see
here to build here we'll just copy this
just for example real quick to build a
six pack at home without any gym
equipment so we'll delete this
and then put in parentheses no gym
required all right so something like
that but now that we got our title and
we got our video we have to monetize it
and this is with something called
affiliate marketing and the easiest way
to get affiliate links is clickbank you
digistore24 and there's lots of other
ways but this is how we're gonna
actually make money and this is by just
putting a link in our description and
for our shorts videos we got another
spot we got to put that link which no
one seems to mention but you can make a
ton of money just by recommending other
people's products and you earn a
commission okay so for example we're in
the health and fitness niche so we'll
click health and fitness right here and
right here you can see you can make a
hundred forty three dollars on average
by promoting the okinawa flat belly
tonic okay so that's perfect it's about
getting a flat belly so we'll hit right
here promote and then you just hit
generate hop links and now you have this
really long ugly link right so what
you're going to want to do is click this
copy button right there okay now you
have the link copied but this is very
important you're going to want to go to
a website called bitly.com and then you
just literally paste it in here you hit
shorten and now you have this link right
there and that link if we go to a new
tab and paste it it will take us to this
affiliate link and if you look at the
top right here you can see t garrett so
that's my affiliate link so once you
create a free account for clickbank it
would have euros up there and if anyone
purchases from this website i make that
forty three dollars okay so now that we
have our affiliate link we go back here
and what you wanna do is you wanna type
in oh i almost forgot this is very
important this is short so you have to
put hashtag shorts right there that
would have been bad but then what i
suggest is i would just paste this link
right here for right now and then i'm
gonna hit enter once you're gonna take
the title and paste that in the
description as well and then right here
we could do something like uh get a flat
belly here or we could do like the
secret to get a flat belly and then do
like that and then also you could go
like to google and do like uh arrow on
keyboard click that right there and then
you can grab like an arrow i always use
this one so just copy that and then go
back here and then instead of that we'll
just put the arrow there you go and your
description is done but make sure you
copy this okay and then you just hit
next next
and then you go to public and then you
hit publish all right now this is the
video link right here so go right here
and this is the most important part you
have to go to the comments and paste
that in there okay and then hit comment
and then what you want to do is you want
to go right here and pin it okay this is
important because people don't realize
when you're actually watching youtube
shorts you can't click on the
description the only people who can
click right here on the description are
people watching on a computer but if
you're on mobile watching youtube shorts
the only thing you can do is click
comments so that way they go to the
comments and this is pinned at the top
so that's how you're gonna make the
money on the youtube shorts platform
okay now the last step before moving
forward and just making a bunch of
youtube shorts is you have to realize
that youtube shorts isn't always gonna
be like this it's still very new so it's
eventually going to get harder and
harder and harder so what i suggest
doing is you need to start creating some
full videos in there as well so maybe do
like two youtube shorts and one full
video like long form video it doesn't
have to be super long but obviously
longer than a minute and that way you
can start getting monetized with ad
revenue and you can actually build a
long-term brand you know what i mean so
if you want to learn how to actually
make full length videos 

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